Wykyto cząsteczki wokół spirali Nebula
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Title Water-building molecule in Helix Nebula

Released 17/06/2014 2:00 pm

Copyright Hubble image: NASA/ESA/C.R. O’Dell (Vanderbilt University), M. Meixner & P. McCullough (STScI); Herschel data: ESA/Herschel/SPIRE/MESS Consortium/M. Etxaluze et al.


This image presents the Helix Nebula first at optical wavelengths, as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope, then by Herschel’s SPIRE instrument at wavelengths around 250 micrometres. A spectrum is shown for the region identified on the image, showing the clear signature of CO and OH+ emission in the clumpy outer regions of the planetary nebula.

The molecular ion OH+ is needed for the formation of water, and ESA’s Herschel space observatory is the first to detect it in planetary nebulas – the product of dying Sun-like stars.
