PC-Driven Test Instruments Pick Up Speed
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cały artykuł jest w większym stopniu poświęcony USB 3.0 / 3.1 i tendencji do budowy urządzeń pomiarowych z takim interfejsem. Jak pisał Maxbit kto wie może to oznacza że lada chwila pojawią się niedrogie urządzenia pomiędzy amatorskim RTL-SDR (wskaźnikiem) a opisywanymi Signal Hound czy Tektronix'em też opisywanymi tu na forum.

Examples of USB 3.0-connected instruments include new portable and real-time SAs from Signal Hound and Tektronix. Signal Hound’s BB60C SA streams 140 MB/s of digitized RF spectrum from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, enabling an instantaneous bandwidth of 27 MHz at sweep speeds of 24 GHz/s. The Tektronix RSA306 SA captures signals from 9 kHz to 6.2 GHz with 40 MHz of real-time bandwidth down to -160 dBm. Both instruments come with a built-in software package and application programming interface (API) for customizable software and interfacing. The RSA306 also includes a Matlab driver for the API, which can readily connect with Matlab’s Instrument Control Toolbox.

Both of these devices are recommended for use with PCs that have an Intel i7 processor and 8 GBs or more or RAM, which are needed to process the data. Because a main design consideration of these devices is to lower end-user costs, USB 3.0 is solely used.