0.8 to 18 GHz Linearly Polarised Wideband Ridged Horn Antenna QWH-SL-0.8-18-N-SG |
The QWH-SL-0.8-18-N-SG from Steatite Q-par Antennas is a linearly polarized horn antenna that operates from 0.8 GHz to 18 GHz. It has a gain from 2.8 dBi to 43.8 dBi, a VSWR under 4:1 and can handle up to 500 W of CW power. It is available with Type N connectors and is suitable for EMC testing and general measurement applications. http://www.steatiteqpar-antennas.co.uk/Datasheets/STEATITE-QPAR/01_Horns/01_Wideband/QMS-00811_TEST_REPORT.pdf |