PI9CAM activity 13.03.2016 r |
SP2FRY pisze: Na stronie gdzie jest sdr http://websdr.camras.nl:8901/ Słychać na 432044,2 kHz pracę KP4AO w zawodach. Nie wiedziałem ze przez księżyc można pracować jak w normalnych zawodach tropo. No ale tu jest wytłumaczenie KP4AO ma ant 60 dBi. http://www.k2txb.com/k1jt_arecibo_announcement.htm Currently, there is no live reception. Instead, we're playing a recording made during the EME activation of the 300m Arecibo dish during the Echoes of Apollo project. This recording was made on April 17, 2010, around 19:00 UTC, on 70 cm. We're also playing a recording made during the 2009 EoA project. This recording (made on 23 cm) includes a QSO between PI9CAM (that's the callsign we use at the Dwingeloo dish when transmitting) and HB9MOON, around 1296.040 MHz. To tylko nagranie aktywności z 2010. |