OPTICKS - April 9 @ 17:00 UT SSTV EME - dzis o 19:00 |
OPTICKS is a Cosmic Mail Art happening between the Earth and the Moon, during which images are transmitted to the Moon and back as radio signals in real time. The project has been realized by visual artist Daniela de Paulis (IT/NL) in collaboration with radio amateur Jan van Muijlwijk and the CAMRAS radio amateurs association based at the Dwingeloo radio telescope (NL). Each live performance is made possible thanks to the collaboration of international radio enthusiasts, including Bruce Halasz (Brazil) and Nando Pellegrini (IT). Join this art experience online live OPTICKS jest wydarzeniem pomierzy Ziemią a Księzycem podczas ktorego obrazy sa nadawane w strone KSiezyca i wracaja w czasie rzeczywistym. Tym razem obrayz beda nadawali: Bruce Halasz (Brazil) and Nando Pellegrini (IT) Odbior radioteleskp CAMRAS z zespolem Jan van Muijlwijk Caloscia nadzoruje Daniela De Paulis |