Czy ktoś ma wiedzę, jak i gdzie pozyskać PCB transwertera Jawornik z pośrednią 28 MHz |
Z tego czo czytałem 14 MHz zostało wybrane z uwagi na parametry transceivera Yaesu 1000 MP na tym paśmie dla którego pierwotnie został zaprojektowany Javornik. "The LT2S transverter has an IF of 28 MHz like most 2 m transverters. The Javornik uses a 14 MHz IF because it was optimized for operation with a FT1000, and this radio is substantially better on 20 m than on 10 m. There is no special reason for a such a differenc in performance of the HF radios between 14 and 28 MHz operation as long as the radios use upconversion to a high IF. But in fact some radios perform better on 14 MHz, others on 28 MHz. Thus the transverter should be selected accordingly. Kuhne offers versions for both 14 and 28 MHz." "The FT1000MP / Javornik is the best available combination. Nevertheless they are still far off what could be realized. We measured two different samples of the FT1000MP which performed very close to each other. The Mark V seems to be also quite close to the MP." |