3 cm yagi by VK7MO |
SP2DDV pisze: Wydaje się że antena Yagi z powyższych fotografii to stara konstrukcja DL6WU z pasma 13cm. W paśmie 3cm to już tylko parabola. SP1N pisze: Jurku, ta antena nie jest z pasma 3cm. Zwróć uwagę że boom wykonany jest z płaskownika i widać tam gniazdo SMA z UT141 (które jest olbrzymie przy tej konstrukcji anteny). "...VK5DJ’s program for DL6WU yagi design shows that it is potentially possible to achieve a gain of 20 dBi with a 40 cm long yagi at 10 GHz. However, given that 10 GHz is well outside the normal design parameters for a DL6WU yagi and the likelihood of construction errors, I settled on a 80 cm 72 el yagi. This yagi should have 2.4 dB in reserve for errors. The yagi was constructed on a 1.5x15 mm rectangular fiber glass batten (as used on sailing boats) so as to avoid the need for boom corrections. The elements were 1 mm brass and around 10 mm long. The driven element is a split dipole combined with a half wave sleeve choke..." |