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Udział w zawodach EME, wrażenia, wyniki, dyplomy...

01.09.2013 09:31:13
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1587565
Od: 2011-6-25

Od jednego z kolegów nazywanych "EME-owcami" otrzymałem meila z prośbą o otwarciu nowego tematu pod w/w tytułem, co oczywiście uczyniłem. Pomysł wydaje się dobry i w związku z tym zachęcam kolegów zajmujących się tą dziedziną naszego hobby o dzielenie się swoimi wrażeniami z pracy w zawodach, przesyłaniu, zamieszczaniu zdjęć dyplomów, nagród, itp. Co prawda kolega napisał: "...Zresztą w eme każda łączność jest sukcesem i zajęte miejsce nie jest najważniejsze...Zdarzało się, że zrobiłem tylko 1 qso...świat się dowiedział i gratulowali uporu..........To są prawdziwe klimaty i o tym warto pisać i mowić..."

73! Maciej
Electra01.05.2024 23:41:57
poziom 5

01.09.2013 17:19:37
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1587916
Od: 2011-6-25
Lunar Weekend Calendar for 2013 (by DL7APV):


73! Maciej
10.09.2013 21:52:00
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1596621
Od: 2011-6-25

XX ARI EME Contest CW/SSB 21-22 September


73! Maciej
10.09.2013 23:20:59
poziom 3

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 191 #1596651
Od: 2011-6-30
Planujemy udział w zawodach na trzech pasmach:
13cm SP6OPN antena 6.5m
6cm SQ6OPG antena 4m
3cm SP6JLW antena 4m
Pozdrawiam Andrzej
13.09.2013 14:16:18
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Lodz

Posty: 205 #1598957
Od: 2011-12-21
Informuje, ze udzial SP7DCS w zawodach eme z 6m dish jest narazie niemozliwy. Niestety ostatnie porywy wiatru, ktore nawiedzily nasze eme qth, sforsowaly uchwyty zabezpieczajace i pomimo, ze antena byla zaparkowana , to rotor stracil glowne zebatki w sekcji od horyzontu.
Aktualnie montuje "siodelko", ktore pozwoli na wyjecie rotora bez koniecznosci stawiania pochylni oraz demontazu anteny wraz ze sprzetem. Jezeli operacja powiedzie sie, to planuje pozyczenie rotora z 3m dish, ktory byl przeznaczony dla pasma 3cm.
Poniewaz skala trudnosci jest duza, to trudno dzisiaj powiedziec czy uda sie nie stracic sezonu jesiennego.

Zycze wszystkim zawodnikom powodzenia w zawodach eme,
Krzysztof SP7DCS
pzdr.Krzysztof SP7DCS
13.09.2013 17:35:58
poziom 3

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 191 #1599150
Od: 2011-6-30
    sp7dcs pisze:

    Informuje, ze udzial SP7DCS w zawodach eme z 6m dish jest narazie niemozliwy. Niestety ostatnie porywy wiatru, ktore nawiedzily nasze eme qth, sforsowaly uchwyty zabezpieczajace i pomimo, ze antena byla zaparkowana , to rotor stracil glowne zebatki w sekcji od horyzontu.
    Aktualnie montuje "siodelko", ktore pozwoli na wyjecie rotora bez koniecznosci stawiania pochylni oraz demontazu anteny wraz ze sprzetem. Jezeli operacja powiedzie sie, to planuje pozyczenie rotora z 3m dish, ktory byl przeznaczony dla pasma 3cm.
    Poniewaz skala trudnosci jest duza, to trudno dzisiaj powiedziec czy uda sie nie stracic sezonu jesiennego.

    Zycze wszystkim zawodnikom powodzenia w zawodach eme,
    Krzysztof SP7DCS

Życzymy powodzenia w usuwaniu awarii.

P.S. Parę lat temu mieliśmy podobną awarię, ale z przekładnią od elewacji. Tylko piramidy stoją tysiące lat i się nie psują HI.
16.09.2013 09:58:11
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Lodz

Posty: 205 #1600945
Od: 2011-12-21

Ilość edycji Admina: 1
Witam ponownie,
Na wstepie dziekuje za dobre slowo od wielu osob i tym chetniej podziele sie informacjami o postepach w naprawie napedu.
Siodelko dziala, wytrzymalo naprezenia i antena nie przemiesila sie ani o 1mm. Ale zeby nie bylo za latwo, to nowy rotor ma krotsza stope o 3,5cm i musialem jeszcze dorobic tuleje dystansowa wyrownujaca poziomy co jest warunkiem sine qwa non umieszczenia silnikow centralnie.
Ponadto antena dostanie nowa elektronike, czujniki Halla, miekki start/stop , tylko okazalo sie, ze brakuje mi teraz kabli sterujacych w traktach i usilnie poszukuje rezerw hi.......



Pracy jest jeszcze bardzo duzo, nie wiem czy nowa technika bedzie chciala dzialac od pierszego wlaczenia, ale ROBIE SWOJE oczko .

Krzysztof SP7DCS

pzdr.Krzysztof SP7DCS
19.09.2013 16:42:30
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1603576
Od: 2011-6-25

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
... z otrzymanej korespondencji...

Aktywność - Jimmy SV1BTR

Hi all

I plan to be qrv on 2m & 70cm this Sep 21/22 weekend in ARI CW EME Contest. Pls note i will be on during moonrise/moonset windows. Looking forward to meet new and old friends in this fine event. I do not use or fancy loggers, will be mostly calling CQ. So if you hear me give me a call, pls be patient and persistent!!

As I can rarely visit the eme qth, I chose to be qrv on 2m & 70cm (hope gear still works), instead of the 6 bands available at my end. So as to support cw activity on the frequencies that need it the most. Yet these bands offer unique pleasure and challenge in this mode of operation, and refresh excellent moonbounce memories from the past 20 years.

Thank you to ARI EME Contest Manager & Organizers for the great awards designed and sent to participants all these years as well as providing a nice activity opportunity once more.

Jimmy SV1BTR
2m: 16*6el xpol
70cm: 6.1m dish

73! Maciej
23.09.2013 21:46:21
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1607015
Od: 2011-6-25
... z otrzymanej korespondencji ...

...proszę zwrócić uwagę, ile stacji polskich brało udział...

Thanks to all for the very nice eme weekend in ARI CW EME Contest 2013!
I was briefly on and greatly enjoyed the activity, working good old friends and several new initials! Here are my results:
2m was qrv for 4.5 hrs, 20 stations (19 on random and 1 on sked): OZ1HNE OK1MS N4GJV IK2DDR YO2AMU VK5FA LZ1DP LZ2US UR7D SM2CEW 9A9B SM4GGC YT1AR S50C SP4MPB RX1AS SP3XBO SP4K VK5APN OK1DIX

70cm was qrv for 1.5 hr, 6 stations (random): K2UYH LZ1DX DF3RU I2FHW NC1I SV3AAF

Equipment worked flawlessly except my 12V psu which suddenly died Sunday, luckily had a replacement till I fix it. Libration made conditions difficult on 2m with very deep QSB, echoes and signals were up to 5-7db down for prolonged periods which lasted about 1+ min each time, continuously throughout the weekend. On 70cm the same but much lesser effect as deep fades were lasting shorter with frequency being higher, so not a problem. Echoes on 432 close to 45 degrees both days at my end.

2m system being up for 10 yrs needs maintenance, I observe this in last 2 years, as rx is down by about 4db. Will probably do next summer.

This however is not a show stopper at all to me for working random cw eme pulling weak signals out of the noise! In fact this challenge does not frighten me as it makes me try harder … J …who needs computers, deep search and loggers when God gave us human will and the wonderful sense of hearing?

As it was raining heavily I did not unpark the 23cm dish to work xxx/dl1ymk last night, wish M&M luck and joy in their great effort!

Jimmy SV1BTR

73! Maciej
26.09.2013 15:37:38
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Lodz

Posty: 205 #1609424
Od: 2011-12-21
    sp4k pisze:


    W uzupełnieniu powyższej informacji - na 2m CW w czasie trwania zawodów ARI EME łączności robiły co najmniej 4 stacje z SP - do wymienionej trójki należy dodać SP2OFW - tyle słyszałem, może był ktoś jeszcze.

    Tak czy inaczej nie sądzę aby w sumie na 144 MHz pracowało więcej niż 30 stacji ( plus czy minus kilka ) co daje reprezentację SP na poziomie na pewno powyżej 10% całej aktywności CW w tych dniach oczko

    Korzystając z kilku godzin dobrych warunków udało mi się zrobić zupełnie relaksowo 14 QSO CW w nocy z soboty na niedzielę, do czego doszło jeszcze jedno QSO w niedzielę wieczorem zaraz po wschodzie księżyca - już w fatalnych warunkach, po czym pogoda zadecydowała za mnie o zaparkowaniu anten i przedwczesnym zakończeniu zabawy.

    Ogólnie było bardzo sympatycznie i była to okazja do zaliczenia kilku nowych EME DXCC na CW - co bardzo mnie cieszy.


    Krzysiek SP4K

To dobra wiadomosc, ze bylo tak duzo stacji pracujacych CW w ARI EME i gratulacje Krzysztof dobrego wyniku.
Ja zrobilem tylko 3 qso w pasmie 23cm i to w ostatnich minutach zawodow. Niestety wystapily nieprzewidziane trudnosci i nie moglem byc qrv .
Natomiast razem z Mackiem planujemy odrobic straty w ARRL EME Contest i rowniez spotkac polskie stacje .

Powodzenia w nastepnych zawodach,
Krzysztof SP7DCS
PS. po kilkunasu latach pierwszy raz nie bylem qrv w ARI EME Contest smutny
pzdr.Krzysztof SP7DCS
27.09.2013 21:47:27
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1610632
Od: 2011-6-25

ARRL EME Contest



Jako, że w zawodach bierze udział sporo stacji SP, to zachęcam do podzielenia się wrażeniami po kolejnych turach. Terminy znajdują się w regulaminie.

73! Maciej
Electra01.05.2024 23:41:57
poziom 5

28.09.2013 09:48:49
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1610879
Od: 2011-6-25
...z otrzymanej korespondencji...

Dzisiaj wyprawa bedzie pracowala na 13cm w zawodach i pewnie inni rowniez ich zrobia.
Od kilku dni pracuje wyprawa CW/SSB RANDOM JERSEY Isl. - GJ :



Hi lunatics,

today was the 2nd and last session on 23 cm from Jersey – and again we used the alternative callsign MJ/SA6BUN. Most of our QSO-partners had no problem to decode this challenging callsign (yes, as Doug, VK3UM, has already mentioned, it is definitely an alphabet soup, hi), but we believe, we all had fun with it. Sorry for those, who came continuously back with the YMK callsign, because they didn´t listen carefully to our call, these QSO’s are not valid. The only exception was KL6M, because in this sked we used MJ/DL1YMK!

A special challenge for a DXpedition station are sideband-QSOs, which are very unusual for a temporary set-up somewhere in the world. So we are very happy to report 6 SSB QSOs on 23 cm today, with I1NDP, OZ4MM, UA3PTW, HB9BBD, OK1DFC and OE5JFL. We received in all QSOs a 54 or even better report! Certainly, a major contribution to this improvement of our portable station is a new SSPA, which the operator has designed and built during the last winter.
Furthermore we worked in CW: JA6AHB, PA7JB, PY2BS, LZ1DX, OH2DG, OE5JFL, OK1DFC, HB9BBD. It is very much appreciated that a few friends got up at night for us, before going to work. Probably they looked a bit tired today. On the other hand we ourselves had only 4 hours of sleep this night, but we believe that sleeping at night is definitely overestimated, hi.

Despite his challenging QRL OK1DFC, Zdenek, has again created a website for our DXpedition with all our update notes and also some photos from the location on Jersey. There you can see our luxurious holiday house, which makes this DXpedition really smooth and gentle – just contrary to all the years in past! Here is the link: http://www.ok1dfc.com/Peditions/ymk2013/dl1ymk2013.htm

Tomorrow, Saturday, during the contest we will be QRV first on 13 cm, also in crossband for JA and US. When there are no further stations to work, we come back to 6 cm, because a friend of us has written, he would be very sad not to have tried working us on Jersey. So we changed our plans, that we only make one day on 6 cm. We estimate, that we will be qrv on 6 cm from 0900 until 1200 UT. So a very last possibility to work Jersey on 6 cm!!

On Sunday in contest we will start with 9 cm and than we look, what we do….

CU off the moon, 73 de M & M

73! Maciej
28.09.2013 16:20:55
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1611073
Od: 2011-6-25

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
...z otrzymanej korespondencji...

Wynik Jimmiego w pierwszej czesci ARRL EME Contest 13cm i wyzej.......

Hi all

In 1st pass besides 13cm (wkd 29) i was also qrv on 6cm for 1hr today and worked 4 stations, all cw random...twt output pwr is 6db down and i have az pointing problems. Followed with moon noise but now rx saturates out of the blue... so is a mess...but still enjoy the thrill.

Anyway will be on 6cm tonight from 23:40-01:30 calling CQ and remaining pass on 13 & 6cm. Pls be patient and bear with my recent 6cm qrp signal and murphy striking at no mercy...hi. Won't stop on 5.7 till all melts down or oscillates to the point of no return:-)
If so, i will fly over to Graham for some good red wine!!

GL & 73
Jimmy SV1BTR

73! Maciej
28.09.2013 19:46:32
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1611227
Od: 2011-6-25
...z otrzymanej korespondencji...

...następny wartościowy raport...

On 13cm today I had 37 QSOs including 1 JA and 5 US cross-band. gotaways were WA6PY, WA9FWD cwnr and ES5PC heard once on 2304. I tried 9cm but had a problem with noise level fluctuating. I will start tomorrow at about 0400 on 13cm and then change to either 9 or 6cm when it gets light at about 0530.
thanks for great QSOs
73 Peter G3LTF

73! Maciej
28.09.2013 20:52:53
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1611293
Od: 2011-6-25
...z otrzymanej korespondencji...


Just got back into town late Friday and managed to install the 13 cm feed as the sun was setting.
Early Saturday morning I worked 14 stations on 2303/2320 including a very exciting QSO with the M and M dxpedition.
I called for a while on my moonset as well, but unfortunately the silence was deafening.

Getaways were F1PYR, DF3RU, W5LUA, F5JWF, KL6M. Tough conditions once again on 2320 and could only work the loud ones on that band due to sat QRM.

I plan to install the 6 cm gear and look for F2CT on my moonrise (~1000z) and once the sun comes up switch to 9 cm for the balance of the pass. (~1300z onward)

Hope to see many of you on.



73! Maciej
29.09.2013 08:47:45
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1611580
Od: 2011-6-25

...z otrzymanej korespondencji...

Hello moonbouncers,

during the contest we were active only on 13 cm (for the last time from Jersey) so far, because we had high wind gusts up to force 7 and heavy rain during the morning, so no possibility to change the feed and the station to 6 cm, where we need calm weather to track the moon reliably. We worked 30 stations during the ARRL contest, (which we think is a quite remarkable result for a portable station), 18 of these were new initials on 13 cm from Jersey. These are: SV1BTR, OK1CA, UA5Y, IK3COJ, SP6OPN, OH2DG, YO2BCT, PA7JB, HB9Q, PY2BS, PA0BAT, HB9SV, SD3F, OH1LRY, DF3RU, DL7YC, V6TA, K5GW.

Tomorrow we intend to be QRV again on 9 cm and will perhaps also give 3 cm a first chance; in minimum we will test our receiving capability. We have already assembled the small 1,8 m solid dish made by 6 petals, which we have already used in TK, because our wobbling big dish is not suitable for 3 cm (is it??? - at least 6 cm was not THAT bad...). If the 3cm station works as intended, we may go for a special session on 3 cm. During the last weeks at home, we tried to get more power from the SSPA in the dish, using flex guide, which was donated by several hams all over the world – thanks again to those friends!. So we hope that we have a slightly improved TX side compared to TK, where we lost nearly 16 W from 42 W in a short coax run!
For those interested in a 6 cm QSO to Jersey and who did not catch us so far, we intend to come back next week with sked proposals. Who knows, whenever someone will crazy enough again to bring Jersey to the moon on mw - and is able to do so in a portable style, hi??

73 de M&M

73! Maciej
30.09.2013 19:55:08
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1612898
Od: 2011-6-25
... z otrzymanej korespondencji ...

...raport z zawodów...

Thanks to all for the joy of eme in arrl microwave contest section. Operated on 13 & 6cm cw random (no microwave logger presence/coordination, active/passive) and wkd the following: 13cm: 40 - missed 6 stations - (2012 39) and 6cm: 9 (2012 19 , 2011 14).

My 6cm signal was 5db weaker which did not stop me from calling CQ or working all who called me (have no SDR and the like), even though intense libration & apogee were not helping.

A nice weekend with the downside of much less activity on 6cm this year, at least the super plenty of time I was on. It is a pity this happens probably because 2.3 & up seem to have had non-stop logger liaison coordination (allowed). Something I am personally against in a contest when moon is visible. Regardless of number of bands on a single weekend (can be max 5 bands while in Oct-Nov legs is 4 bands where liaison is correctly not permitted, so what’s the big deal..). Such means have certainly resulted in lowering overall cw random activity/cq without prior notice, in last years.

On Sunday’s moonset I was so tired that for 30 mins I could not hear echoes on 13cm and was checking station till I noticed Doppler being 6KHz off.. thinking I was on 5.7 (1 digit difference in the alternate vfo) ….hi

This brought back memories from the time I became qrv on 13cm and in my first echo tests on that band I was copying nothing for 15 mins…got constructively stressed till I discover I had forgotten to connect the tx feedline… Funny stories which revive the nice feeling of a newbie. At least no medical accidents this year J

See you in Oct-Nov legs of 50-1296MHz.

Jimmy SV1BTR

Ps. Next year plan to run 3cm also, same operational style, pity we don’t have 9cm here to run 4 bands on a mw weekend.

73! Maciej
30.09.2013 19:58:01
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1612904
Od: 2011-6-25

Ilość edycji wpisu: 2
...kolejne raporty...

I operated 13cm and 3cm this weekend, not easy as both bands are
separate segments from Japan.
and DF3RU #. Heard many stations on 2320 and JA8ERE on 2424.
On 3cm I worked OK1KIR on 10450 and heard UA5Y on 10368.
Thanks to all for the cross segments QSOs.
de Yoshiro JA4BLC


I spent about 90% of my available moon time today on 9 and 6cm. Yesterday I was on 13cm. The round trip from the shack to the dish and back is 100m and I must have walked that at least 20 times today, I think I changed feeds about 6 times... but it was very worthwhile. I think activity was a bit up on last year and I also had the added effect of my dish surface improvements. I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend activity as much as I did. I worked the following:


9CM MJ/DL1YMK, PY2BS, OK1CA, SP6OPN, ES5PC, W5LUA, HB9Q, K1JT, WA6PY. 9X9 (2012 4)

6CM K5GW, SM6FHZ, SV1BTR, SV3AAF, F2CT, W5LUA, K1JT, VE6TA. 7X6 (2012 9)

Thanks to all for the QSOs, 73 Peter G3LTF


Hello Lunatics
Today i was qrv again after 1-4-2012
Worked today with a bit more power then i did have last time .
Then i used the RW1136 TWT with 15 watt output and now the RW1127 with
50 watt out.
Worked all in CW
OK1KIR, UR7D , DL7YC, DL0EF, F5JWF, F1PYR, new on 10ghz OZ1LPR # DL0SHF
# PA0BAT # IZ2DJP # UA5Y #
All this with the 2,4 meter offset did see 14,8 db sunnoise and 1,5 db
moonnoise .
Thank you all for the qso,s and hope to work some more now i have a bit
more power.....



My summary:

29 different stations worked, 13 initials. Only two on crossband K1JT and WD5AGO. Also hrd K5GW, WA9FWD, NA4N and WA6PY, all with good copy.
The spreading was bad early Sunday morning but got better later on. I had one caller today which I just couldn't identify. Who was it?

73 de Ben

73! Maciej
30.09.2013 22:56:11
poziom 3

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 191 #1613052
Od: 2011-6-30
Na naszej stronie , w zakładce "Aktualności" umieściłem sprawozdanie z naszego startu w turze mikrofalowej ARRL EME CONTEST 2013.
Pozdrawiam Andrzej


03.10.2013 19:28:57
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Administrator 

Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz JO83XC

Posty: 7669 #1615131
Od: 2011-6-25
"...z otrzymanej korespondencji..."

interesujący raporty z zawodów 5,7 GHz:

Hello Lunatics

Here is my results on 5,7GHz using the PB8 13,50m Cassegrain dish at the Pleumeur Bodou

Space Telecom Center., all random :

- IK2RTI/JN55/559/579 1155km

- OH2DG/KP30/559/569 2324km

- SQ6OPG/JO80/559/589 1485km

- SM6FHZ/JO57/559/569 1364km

- SV3AAF/KM17/559/579 2472km

- W5LUA/EM13/589/589 7516km

- SV1BTR/KM18/559/599 2404km

- PA0BAT/JO31/579/589 806km

- PA0BAT/JO31/56/56 806km SSB

- LX1DB/JN39/ 58/58 768km SSB

- EA3XU/JN11/519/519 958km (not complete !)

- G3LTF/IO91/559/589 350km

- VE6TA/DO33/559/569 6866km

- G4CBW/IO83/559/569 525km

- IZ2DJP/JN55/559/589 1155km

- K5GW/EM13/599/599 7516km

- K5GW/EM13/59/59 7516km SSB

- K1JT/FN20/559 569 5523km

Where must I send the log and with what kind of format file ?
Many thanks to all for nice SSB/CW qsos
About EME 2014.
Please notice these new informations
In order to be all together on a same location during evening time , night and breakfast
We have choosen the Belambra Hôtel Club at Tregastel city, at just 5km from Pleumeur Bodou
Phoenix Pole where all conferences and EME activities will be organized.
Here is the new dates :

- Saturday August 23rd : arrivals

- Sunday August 24th : common “journey” with visit of the Telecom Museum and city

- Monday August 25th ; 1st Conferences and activities

- Tuesday August 26th : 2nd Conferences , activities and Gala Dinner

- Wednesday August 27th : departures

For those who are interested visiting Brittanny , it will be possible to stay till next Saturday

with extra charges.

EME 2014 web site will be “on line” beginning of December with all details, resas, aso

Now a technical and scientific committee must work and prepare the conferences.

All contributions and suggestions are welcome.

I’m just the coordinator between the executive committee and you !!!

Kind regards to all

73 Guy F2CT

"always further outdistances , always higher in frequency !"

73! Maciej
Electra01.05.2024 23:41:57
poziom 5


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